Fruits & vegetables

Fruits & vegetables

With fruits and vegetables we mean every fruit and every vegetable, from coconut to mango, from sugarcane to cabbage.


Choose a resizing system that contains a reception hopper/tipper/bin or belt that feeds the material into our Martinater. a fast swinging hammer mill that will smash your product into the size you require (screens available between 6 – 50 mm). The slurry coming out of the Martinater will be automatically pumped to intermediate storage tank. 

If you have a process that creates a lot of unpacked food waste and your collection bin/container is being collected nearly every day, we advise to convert the material into a pumpable slurry. By closing the system it will be free of smell and the waste is converted into a sellable and easy to handle soup (input material for digesters).

Our solutions for
Fruits & vegetables

Martinator 500

Hammer mill solution for grinding fruits, vegetables, shop/restaurant returns up to 10 m3 per hour.

Martinator 700

Hammer mill solution for grinding fruits, vegetables, shop/restaurant returns up to 20 m3 per hour.