Unpacked food waste contains a wide variety of products such as fruits, vegetables, agricultural co-products (cut or whole), unpacked food waste from restaurants or households. These co-products are highly digestible which makes them ideal for biogas installations or animal feed. However, to create an easy to handle and digestible product the material needs to be cut down to 7 mm or less (minimal size to get optimum digestibility in the digesters) into a pumpable slurry.
Mavitec Green Energy offers the perfect solution for handling unpacked food waste. Our resizing systems are designed to grind fruits, vegetables, shop returns, restaurant returns and other organic waste streams into a pumpable slurry that is suitable for use as biogas feed-stock or animal feed. Our resizing system consists of a reception hopper/tipper/bin or belt that feeds the material directly into the Martinater: a fast swinging hammer mill smashes your product into the required size (screens available between 1 and 50 mm). The slurry coming out of the Martinater will be automatically pumped into an intermediate storage tank.