Innovation: reduce packaging weight
Mavitec Green Energy proudly presents… the Paddle Washer! After creating the cleanest organic output with the Paddle Depacker our engineers have been focusing on upgrading the plastic fraction. The Paddle Washer delivers the perfect plastic output, dry and extremely clean. The machine washes the packaging and decreases the weight of the packaging output up to […]
New representative Portugal
To follow up the fastgrowing demand for Mavitec Green Energy’s smart and efficient food waste & depackaging solutions in the South of Europe, we are proud to announce our new representative in Portugal. With over 50 years of experience in the industrial equipment and processing industry G.Höfle will be our partner for sales, service and […]
Newsletter Summer 2022
After two challenging years, we are happy to meet each other again in real life and look forward! This year Mavitec is celebrating its 20th anniversary. We are proud to be your reliable partner over 20 years and our ambition is to keep offering the best rendering, gasification & green energy solutions and excellent service. […]
Mavitec Green Energy hoofdsponsor/ main sponsor SVW ’27
Mavitec Green Energy wordt de nieuwe hoofdsponsor van SVW ’27! Mavitec is al jaren subsponsor bij SVW ’27. De visie en plannen van SVW ’27 om te groeien sluiten mooi aan bij de doelstellingen van ons bedrijf. Mavitec haalt alles eruit wat erin zit en heeft ook volop ambities om te groeien. Dat levert veel […]
Spectacular entrance in Bordeaux
Spectacular entrance! The Paddle Depacker Roadshow is ready to steel the show at EXPOBIOGAZ in Bordeaux. From 8-9 June you can visit Mavitec Green Energy outside at the main entrance of the exhibition hall. Pascal Albers, Cris Gonzalez and Mischa Henselmans can’t wait to tell you everything about the machine and love to show you how it works. Want to […]
Second edition Paddle Depacker Roadshow
Proud to present the second edition of our mobile test unit! To follow up the success of the first Paddle Depacker Roadshow a second trailer is ready to serve more customers. Our new Roadshow is now on its way across Europe, ready to turn supermarket and other organic waste into the cleanest organic soups for […]
Article: The Power of the Paddle Depacker
Interesting article in the latest issue of BioEnergyInsight (March/April 2022) about the power of the Paddle Depacker and promising results in creating the cleanest organic output that complies to latest European legislation. ‘Due to growing food waste issues globally, the need for smart and efficient depackaging solutions has arguably never been more important.’ Mavitec Green […]
Successful food waste processing in Croatia
Successful food waste processing in Croatia! At Roto Trans in Zagreb our Paddle Depacker turns a variety of shop/supermarket returns and many other food products into the cleanest organic soups that is extremely suitable for several purposes such as biogas/biodiesel installations. The Paddle Depacker separates the organic material from the packaging and turns various kinds […]
Environnement Magazine (France)
Nice article in French Magazine Environnement, March/April 2022. Environnement Magazine-Un biodéconditionneur nv pour l’agoalimentaire (01-03-2022)
Mavitec Group wishes you merry Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your trust in 2021 and look forward to working with you in 2022. We might have missed the opportunity to see each other in real life but also from a distance […]