


The Power of the Paddle Depacker

Interesting article in the latest issue of BioEnergyInsight Magazine (March/April 2022) about the power of the Paddle Depacker and promising results in creating the cleanest organic output that complies to latest European legislation. Read the article here:

French Article: Un biodéconditionneur nouvelle

Nice article in French Magazine Environnement, March/April 2022. Environnement Magazine-Un biodéconditionneur nv pour l’agoalimentaire (01-03-2022)

Russian article: Depacking. Food waste and more.

Depacking. Food waste and more. In 2008, Mavitec, one of the international leaders in production of equipment for rendering industry, started the Mavitec Green Energy division to specialize in food waste & depackaging solutions. In 2016 the Paddle Depacker© was launched. This unique depacking solution entered the market at the right time and, due to its high capacity (up to 30 m3...

Fighting food waste!

Interesting article in the latest issue of BioEnergyInsight Magazine (May/June 2021) about the power of the Paddle Depacker and promising results in creating the cleanest organic output that complies to latest European legislation. “At this moment in time, it is simply the most efficient, easy-to-maintain, and best economic solution to depack a large variety of products,” Mavitec’s CEO Maco van Heumen told...

Succesful waste processing in Denmark

Nice article in Danish magazine ‘Bioenergu magasinet’, published in January 2021. “Randers Municipality has purchased a so-called Mavitec Paddle Depacker waste processing plant through LSH-Biotech by Christian Dreyer, Mavitec’s representative for Denmark. LSH-Biotech delivered a complete waste processing plant: a so-called Paddle Depacker plant. The plants are adapted to local and specific conditions in terms of waste volume and more and can...

Food waste depackaging possible revenue maker

The power of the Paddle Depacker! Nice article in the current issue of Render Magazine (August 2020) about our food waste depackaging solution as possible revenue maker.