New location headquarters 2019
We’re moving! Next year Mavitec headquarters will be located in a new building. Due to continuous growth and expansion we are proud to announce that in Spring 2019 we will move to this new location in Heerhugowaard. This will give Mavitec Group the opportunity to continue its expansion plans in order to serve the industry […]
Innovations at Pollutec Lyon
From 27-30 November Mavitec Green Energy is present at Pollutec the international trade show for environmental equipment, technologies and services in Lyon. Together with IDEAL Technologies, our French agent, we will present our innovative food waste and depackaging solutions and introduce a new way of solving manure issues. Mavitec Green Energy presents our latest solutions […]
Reduce Co2, save the planet
Nice article in the november-december issue of Bio Energy Insight about Mavitec’s new way of solving manures issues. Interested in our gasification system? Please contact us: Bioenergy_Insight_novdec_spread28-29 online
Innovations at EnergyDecentral: meet us in Hannover
Next month Mavitec is present at EnergyDecentral, the international trade fair for innovatie energy supply in Hannover. We will be pleased to tell you everything about our famous solutions for your rendering challenges and will introduce our new and innovative gasification system: an environmental technology that converts manure into green energy and EcoChar. Gasification is a new way of solving manure issues that offers […]
ESPP news: ‘Mavitec EcoChar from manures and other organic materials’
Nice article in ESPP’s (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform) latest news letter. “Mavitec Environmental (part of Mavitec B.V., a leader in the rendering industry), has developed an innovative gasification system that converts manure into renewable energy and EcoChar, which can be used as fertiliser or animal bedding. Mavitec indicate that the process ensures a volume reduction of up […]
Cleanest output with Paddle Depacker: find it out at RWM
This week Mavitec Green Energy is present at RWM, From 12-13 September we will present our latest solutions for your food waste and depackaging solutions and tell you about the cleanest organic soups produced by our new Paddle Depacker. RWM is world’s largest recycling & waste management exhibition & conference in Birmingham. Innovative food waste and depackaging […]
Member of IBI: International Biochar Initiative
Proud to be member of IBI! And to make a contribution to IBI’s vision: ‘One billion tons of biochar produced per year within 50 years.’ IBI provides a platform for hostering stakeholder collaboration, good industry practices and environmental and ethical standards to support biochar systems that are safe and economally viable. Mavitec’s gasification system is ready to make […]
Research ‘Perspectives of EcoChar’: results available now!
Spring 2018 Wageningen Research performed a desk study about the possible uses and regulations in Europe of EcoChar, initiated and funded by Mavitec. The promising results are available now at the website of Wageningen University. EcoChar photography: Natascha Libbert
Mavitec introduces new way of solving manure issues at VIV Europe 20-22 June
Gasification is a new way of solving manure issues that offers a lot of advantages: volume reduction up to 85%, renewable energy, reduction of CO2 and high valuable EcoChar. This EcoChar is an amazing product with a lot of unique properties, which makes it usable for applications such as soil improver and animal bedding. Interested? Let’s meet! Visit us at Hall 7, […]
Paddle Depacker Model S: new depackaging food waste solution
Mavitec’s Paddle Depacker is now also available in a compact size. The new Model S is designed to separate the organic material from the packaging and to deliver the cleanest organic product that is extremely suitable for biogas installations. The new Paddle Depacker Model S® has a small footprint and allows you to process various […]