About us
About us
food waste & depackaging solutions
mavitec Green energy
Mavitec Green Energy is an expert in designing and producing recycling systems for processing organic co-products from the food industry and agricultural sector. Our food waste and depackaging solutions are designed to handle, depack and resize organic by-products in the most effective way. Mavitec Green Energy is part of Mavitec, one of the leaders in the rendering industry and known for creating the best nutrient values in the market.
high quality recycling systems
the success of mavitec green energy
In-house engineering & manufacturing for customized solutions.
The most optimal performance, best capacity and least wear and tear.
Fast & full service
Service locations in The Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and U.S.A. Dedicated after sales department (24/7 service).
Private owned
Mavitec is private owned and has over 200 employees.
Mavitec green energy
How it all started
Foundation Mavitec B.V.
Foundation Mavitec Green Energy
Own production facility
Introduction Paddle Depacker
Introduction Paddle Depacker Model S
Paddle depacker roadshow
New location headquarters
60 Paddle Depackers Installed
Improved Paddle Depacker 2.0
New production facility India
recycling systems for processing organic by-products
Mavitec Green Energy is a Dutch process technology company active in the food (waste) recycling industry. We are specialized in food waste and depackaging solutions with short payback times and high separation efficiency. With large installed base and proven concepts that comply with latest legislation, we help you convert your organic fraction into value. Our smart and sustainable green energy solutions turn various kinds of food waste into the cleanest organic fraction (>99,7% clean!) that is extremely suitable for biogas installations. Maximize the value of your food waste! Mavitec Green Energy is part of Mavitec, one of the leaders in the rendering industry and known for creating the best nutrient values in the market.