Mavitec Green Energy espande la sua presenza nel Regno Unito

Mavitec Green Energy espande la sua presenza nel Regno Unito

Collaboration PRM

To better serve customers and strengthen our network, Mavitec Green Energy is expanding its presence in the UK with a new representative.

We are pleased to announce that PRM Waste Systems Ltd is now Mavitec’s exclusive representative in the UK. With over 25 years of expertise in waste processing and recycling, PRM is the ideal partner to provide local support and industry-leading solutions.

Stronger support for UK customers

PRM Waste Systems will represent Mavitec Green Energy’s advanced processing solutions, including the Paddle Depacker, Lavapale, and other innovative systems designed to efficiently separate organic by-products from packaging.

This partnership brings several benefits to the UK market, including:

  • The highest separation efficiency on the market
  • Proven technology with short payback times
  • Efficient solutions for organic by-products, food waste, and packaging waste

Committed to innovation and efficiency

We appreciate the cooperation we’ve had in the UK so far and remain committed to delivering the best solutions for waste processing. Together with PRM, we look forward to strengthening our support for the UK market and helping businesses optimize their organic waste streams.

For more information about our solutions in the UK, please contact PRM Waste Systems Ltd:

PRM Waste Systems Ltd – Tony Gardner
+44 (0) 1823 665541


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